My three-year old granddaughter, June, is at the age of discovery where nearly every conversation is driven by “why?” It’s a well-known phase that all toddlers go through to understand the world around them. Eventually, children grow out of the incessant “why” stage of growth while still retaining their curiosity and thirst for learning.
As adults, we sometimes forget the power of asking questions—of ourselves and of others. We tend to use questions to get information rather than to spark discovery and insight.
As an executive coach, I don’t have all the answers; rather, it’s my job to help guide my clients toward their own solutions. Through inquiry and questions, I help people tap into their own knowledge and expertise; and to see things from another perspective.
In this spirit of sparking transformation, below is a collection of three questions on a variety of topics that you can use to coach yourself.
Making Your Day Better
What will I let go of?
What am I grateful for?
What will I focus on?
Saying Yes
Is it simple?
Is it effortless?
Is it fun?
Asking for Feedback
What should I stop doing?
What should I keep doing?
What should I start doing?
Redesigning Relationships
What's working well?
What's not working?
What needs to be different?
One-on-One Meetings
What is going well?
What are 2-3 things I can do to be a more effective?
What would you like to see more of and less of from me?
Career Check-up
Have I reached a learning plateau?
Do I have the lifestyle I want?
Does my daily work align with my long-term goals?
Shifting Your Mindset
What could I be grateful for right now?
What’s one step I can take forward?
What can I do to be of service?
Getting The Flywheel Moving
What is the “very next” step possible?
What is a quick win?
What is a short-term process-oriented goal that would help me make progress?
To Do List
Do I need to do this?
Can someone else do this?
Does this need to be done now?
Leadership Vision
How do I want to be remembered at my retirement party?
What impact do I want to have on the lives and careers of those around me?
And what do my team members need from me to help them succeed?
What is one big regret in my life?
What lesson did I learn from it?
How am I going to apply that lesson in the next year?
Inspiration from:
This Two Minute Morning Practice will Make Your Day Better, Neil Pasricha
One Insight podcast, Rich Litvin
Three Questions for Effective Feedback, Thomas Delong
Success in 2022, Sarah-Nell Walsh
Leadership Fatigue is a Real Thing, Art Petty
The Power of Regret, Dan Pink