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Elisabeth Hayes

Lessons From Mom

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

It’s Mother’s Day, when we pay tribute to and remember our moms and other women who have influenced us.

As I've been muddling through the pandemic, I have realized that three of the most important lessons my mom taught me are those that are serving me well now:

Self-care. The most powerful advice my mom ever gave me was, "If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will." Now more than ever, I rely on exercise for my well being.

Optimism. My mom always said, "Look on the bright side." She taught me to find something positive in any situation. If there’s anything positive about this crisis, it’s how we’ve found ways to stay connected while in isolation.

Gratitude. My mom taught my brother and me to count our blessings. Today, and every day, I’m grateful for my health, my friends and family, and for everything my mom has done for me.

Using a page from my mother’s lesson book, I hope that you’re taking care of yourself, seeking out positive moments and expressing your gratitude for those moments.


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